0 comments | Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Ever get so exhausted you just need to sleep for three days?

0 comments | Monday, September 06, 2004

Hey.. does this work?


Its labor day.... foggy outside..
flourescent lights hurt my eyes like heck... any idea why? ouch ..

wrote a song this weekend.. "American Sand" ... it's basically a song about our soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and anywhere else in the world... it's a plea to quit bickering over we should be there or not, and support the soldiers who are there...

more on that as it develops...

my brother and his wife came home for a day.. got to spend all day with them and my parents and gram yesterday... my kids had a blast.. so did i.... i love my brother..

love to all!


0 comments | Friday, September 03, 2004

Pottsy and Chris interviewed me and teased me about tracks on my CD today.... they played the wings project.... a lot of fun...


it was fun to pick on myself.. and submit myself to teasing.. dont ask me why...

the kids got glasses yesterday.. they look so cute....

0 comments | Wednesday, September 01, 2004

yeah.. so here it is... i'm blogging out.. chronicling me life.. joining scores of other people whose lives are so important that everyone reads about them....

found out that a kid i knew from Coudy died yesterday.. he dated a girl that worked for me... good kid... died in a car crash... 16 years old.. kinda gets you down.....